The sanctity of dreams

With the start of the year behind us and the resolutions already broken, the depression sets in and the inevitable comparisons of what is wrong with our lives compared to what we dreamed about, our shortcomings and the adventures untaken with the seemingly spectacular achievements and travels of friends and acquaintances. The diet abandoned as […]

Fallback position

When dishing out punishment, removing access to entertainment and games is the obvious first call. This can be difficult in the modern age. Taking away the TV means your child just responds by moving over to the computer – “but you saaaiiiid…. No TV.” So, it may be necessary to list the devices that are […]

About me

As the mother of two children and a volunteer with a Cub Scout Pack, I spend a lot of time with children.  Sometimes though I want to speak to adults or have an adult conversation.  Since my husband hates it when I try to talk about philosophical issues at 2 in the morning and other […]

Intuition and guts in business

We have spreadsheets and reports for everything these days. We capture data, analyse it and use it to predict the future. And, like the fortune-tellers of old, we get it wrong as often as we get it right. Companies predict their future income and expenditure as budgets and targets, economist use sophisticated models to predict […]

The question of age

Maybe its age or maybe it’s just a sign of the times. Whatever it is, people around me (including myself) are finding that everything we thought we wanted in life is no longer important and the things we have striven to achieve feel meaningless. I’m at a point in my life (call it early mid-life […]

Greed and humility

Bigger, better, more – that seems to be the constant drive in modern society. Acquisition, growth and increasing market share are so often the goals of organisations. However, just as killing the goose that lays the golden egg, greed is the path to failure more often than not. McDonalds, on choosing to raise prices in […]

Who is the best?

According to Anne Ripley’s new book, if we want our children to succeed and be the best, we need to follow the educational models of Finland, South Korea and Poland. The book, titled “The Smartest Kids in the World” has an in-depth look at the actual learning methodologies and experiences of learners in schools in […]

Why do we wear the uniform?

Today being the day our children are wearing their uniforms to school for Founder’s Day, I was struck by how difficult it can be sometimes to be different, to be a leader. My son was excited and was quickly ready to go but my daughter, being older and having done this before, face  d a […]